Trustees’ Week – 4th-8th November
In the third installment of our series for Trustees’ Week we bring you another recent and excellent addition to the Unite Carers Board of Trustees – Janine Stedman, our Trustee specialising in communication and promotion.
Thank you Janine, for all that you do to help others.
Introduce yourself
Hello, my name is Janine Stedman. I was born in Jersey, Channel Islands and I moved to the UK to study French and German at Coventry University. Our family have lived in Halberton since 1998 and I have worked locally in social care, community and education roles.
What’s your Trustee role at Unite Carers?
I am a newly-appointed Trustee specialising in promotion.
How did you first become involved and why?
I became a Unite Carers’ Volunteer in 2003 and I have befriended adult and young carers. In recent years I have worked closely with Unite as a Co-op Community Engager. Unite is a fantastic, Mid Devon charity for so many reasons, but especially because of the ongoing support given to former carers. This summer I was invited to become a Trustee, which is a privilege and an honour. It gives me the opportunity to use my skills and experience to contribute to the growth and success of Unite Carers.
Do you have any interests and hobbies? What are your passions?
Growing up in a small island means that I love beach walks and swimming. Family and friends are very important to me, and my toddler grandchildren keep me ‘young at heart’ and very active. I am passionate about getting people together. I believe that community connections and friendships are more important than ever.
What’s the worst thing about being a Trustee?
I have been in my new role for 8 weeks. There is no ‘worst thing’ for me. I am really enjoying getting to know everyone and I’m doing a lot of reading as part of my induction. I know that there will be challenges to face and there is much work to do. However, I have joined a dedicated Board of Trustees with a great mix of skills and I have every confidence that we will work together to take Unite forward.
What’s the best thing?
Becoming a trustee is like opening a new door to the inner workings of a life-changing charity. For me, it’s not just about helping a cause I believe in. It’s about making real decisions that shape its future. For anyone reading this who is thinking of becoming a Trustee, it’s a great way to bring your skills to the table, meet like-minded people, and even learn new things yourself.
Anything else you’d like to add?
We are looking for a Volunteer Treasurer to join us. If you think you could help, please contact the office. We would love to hear from you. Thank you.